Make Me Unexpected Carrot Cake!

There is a saying in China that "radishes and vegetables have their own love." Many people in our life hate to eat carrots. Even if it is healthy and nutritious, it seems that vegetables are more readily accepted by all. However, there are also some people who, for the sake of their health, barely try to eat carrots.

But unexpectedly, after the carrot's flavor was combined with the delicious cake, it became so delicious that the carrot's original smell almost dissipated, and I think everyone would love it.

There is some controversy about the origin of carrot cake. In 1827, a French recipe circulated in England recorded the production of carrot cake. 19th-century Switzerland, carrot cake has also become one of the children's most popular birthday cake. In the early 1960s, carrot cakes appeared on American restaurant menus. In a survey conducted by the British Radio Times in 2011, the carrot cake even became the favorite cake for the British.

Cutting on the carrot cake:

Ordinary knife cutting carrot cake

Ultrasonic knife cutting carrot cake

Written by Sophia Chen

