“Torta Pistocchi” - Dark Chocolate Cake

Is this the perfect chocolate cake? Possibly - as it's more chocolate, no cake.

Image / Recipes from "Torta Pistocchi "

It was in 1990 that the first Cake Chocolate Cake was born, in the Florentine restaurant where Claudio Pistocchi was an Executive Chef.

A great soft and creamy chocolates, produced artisanally, without the addition of sugar and without using eggs, butter or flour ... only extra dark chocolate, bitter cocoa powder and little cream, no preservatives, no additives ...

Finally with a ripe of raisins and rums. We combine our cake classic, wonderful raisins in a beautiful agricultural rum soaked in Martinique for two weeks. - "Torta Pistocchi "

Cut the dark chocolate cake into fan-shaped. Try to use this!

Our ultrasonic cutting machine is suitable for a variety of round food, the most commonly processed cheese cake, mousse cake, chocolate cake, frozen cake and so on. The round cake cutting is mainly fan-shaped cutting, uniform cutting, so smooth cut to achieve the best results.

Here, I recommend using the UFM5000 intelligent ultrasonic food cutting machine. Automatic, high-performance food cutting equipment in the actual production of food, according to the needs of fixed-point positioning cutting, automatic completion of operations, greatly improving work efficiency. In addition to the use of cutting round cake, but also has a variety of cutting mode, and cutting a variety of shapes of baking products.

Written by Sophia Chen

